The International Performance Research Institute (IPRI) is a non-profit research association in the field of business administration. At the end of 2002 IPRI was founded by Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Péter Horváth – the only shareholder. He operates the institute corporately with PD Dr. Mischa Seiter. The institute is located in Stuttgart.
IPRI does applied research with international orientation in the field of performance management of organizations, enterprises and business networks. Our core activities are publicly sponsored research projects and studies, international cooperations in the performance management field and the communication of scientific results.
Key activities in the project Vertumnus
The research focus of IPRI within the Vertumnus project lies on two aspects: To build a strategic foresight to identify change and to evaluate change in value networks.
IPRI will develop an indicator based strategic foresight to identify change in value networks. This system will be implemented as a prototype. A further goal is to develop an evaluation scheme for changeability, which allows an economic evaluation of changeability in value networks. The evaluation scheme will also be implemented as a prototype.
International Performance Research Institute gGmbH
Ben Meyer-Schwickerath
Königstraße 5
D-70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0711 / 6203268-88773
Fax: 0711 / 6203268-889